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Medina Soccer Association Inc. By-Laws



The governing authority of the Medina Soccer Association Inc. (hereafter referred to as the Association or MSA) shall be vested with the Board of Directors, BOD, whose powers shall be delegated in the Bylaws.


The Board of Directors shall comprise Eight Directors, each having one vote.

  1. President
  2. Vice President or President-Elect
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. Registrar
  6. Director of Coaching
  7. Director of Communication
  8. Risk Manager

The immediate past president of the Association may be an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors if needed by the New Board.

An individual may not serve as a BOD of MSA and gets compensated for their service. However, this excludes unique non-BOD positions and/ or responsibilities that require special licenses, including but not limited to Concessions Coordinating, Licensed Refereeing, Referee Assigning by a licensed assignor, Tax Preparations by a licensed professional, and reimbursement of expenses by MSA.


  1. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the general membership at the Association's annual meeting.
  2. All BOD members shall be elected for a two-year term
  3. Directors are not restricted to a single term of office
  4. Directors may be nominated by Associations or any individual member
  5. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years.
  6. The Director of Coaching, Director of Communications, Secretary, Risk Manager, and Registrar shall be elected in odd-numbered years.
  7. Directors shall assume office the next business day following their election
  8. Meetings may be held via telephone conference calls, and three (3) members shall constitute a quorum.
  9. A member of the Board of Directors not present at 75 percent of the meetings called by the President shall have the position declared vacant unless the President excuses such absences. The BOD may remove a member of the BOD with a 75 percent vote of the BOD.


The BOD shall have the responsibility and authority to:

  1. Maintain the recreational program as the primary and most important function of the Association and the club team program as part of the natural progression and advancement resulting from player development
  2. Shall hear and decide all protests and appeals and shall decide appropriate disciplinary actions for incidents of misconduct
  3. Budget for and administer the funds of the Association subject to ratification and approval of the membership
  4. Make and amend Policies and Procedures to serve the best interests and objectives of MSA
  5. Interpret and enforce the MSA Bylaws.
  6. Adopt temporary rules and regulations for situations not provided for by the Bylaws or deemed necessary and desirable to serve the MSA's best interests and objectives.
  7. Reprimand, suspend, bar completely, or otherwise discipline any player, coach, referee, administrator, or affiliated team, for violations of the MSA Constitution, Bylaws, and rules
  8. Appoint individuals to fill vacancies on the BOD until the next regular election
  9. Form standing and special committees and appoint individuals to serve on such committees
  10. Hire, supervise, and terminate stakeholders
  11. Help to recruit donors for the Association
  12. Any such responsibilities not listed above but to enhance the smooth operation of the Association



  1. Each Director shall carry out their duties responsibly, acting only in the Association's best interests and membership.
  2. Each Director shall be familiar with the rules of the Association, TSSA, USSF, and its division.
  3. Each Director shall be prepared to report on their activities and areas of responsibility at meetings of the BOD and general membership.
  4. Each Director shall follow the Association's financial policy regarding budget proposals, expense reports, and handling of Association monies.
  5. Responsible for all written communications of the Association, meeting notices, communication with TSSA, contact with other leagues and colleagues


  1. President
    1. Presides at all meetings of the BOD
    2. Serves as Chairman of the BOD
    3. Serves as the Chief Executive Officer of MSA
    4. Votes only in instances where the Presidents vote affects the outcome of the vote
  2. Vice President
    1. In the instance the President is absent, will assume all duties of the President
    2. Assist the President in every way to support the smooth running of the Association
  3. Treasurer
    1. Prepares the annual association budget and submits it to the Board of Directors and general membership for approval
    2. Maintains records and receipts of all money to be deposited in a recognized bank in the name of the Association
    3. Submits financial reports at least quarterly to the President and general membership
    4. Pays all accounts by check with their signature
    5. Produces all financial records' when required by the BOD, properly balanced and reflecting the current financial status of the Association.
    6. Prepares and files tax returns in a timely manner
    7. Prepares all documents on the Association's Charter of incorporation and tax-exempt status and is authorized to obtain the services of an accountant or an attorney, as appropriate; arranges for periodic audit of the Association's book:
  4. Secretary
    1. Overseas the Club Rules, By-Laws, Policies, legal and compliance obligations; and. ensure the club is run according to these core requirements at all times.
    2. Records all minutes at meetings
    3. Acts as the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer
    4. Overseas oversights of the BOD
  5. Registrar
    1. Arranges for and oversee the seasonal and annual registration of players
    2. Maintains communications with TS concerning procedures for the registration of players
    3. Responsible for collecting fees and player forms; submitting all registration data to the state association in a timely manner; and ensuring that all players are correctly registered
    4. Assists the Recreational and Club Team Directors and Age Group Coordinators as needed with assigning players to teams
  6. Director of Coaching
    1. Train and monitor the team coaches and help them plan and implement practice sessions
    2. Responsible for establishing and administering programs for coaches Provide training opportunities for recreational players and coaches Responsible for maintaining all coaching equipment and accessories and the distribution of those to coaches
    3. Work in collaboration with the Parks and Gardens of the City to make sure fields are available and adequate for all teams and players.
  7. Director of Communication
    1. Sets the tone for messaging and portrays the Associations values
    2. Develop and update tools for branding across local and global platforms
    3. Compliments the Registrar in all things
    4. In the absence of the Registrar, take all the responsibilities of the Registrar.
    5. Manages the Association's various websites, including but not limited to Facebook accounts and emails.
  8. Risk Manager
    1. Provide a safe place for recreation both on and out of the field. This includes but is not limited to making sure all coaches and BOD have completed their risk management courses (thus, background checks, concussion training, and Safe sports training)
    2. Provide a safe system of rules.
    3. Provide safe and adequate equipment for player and coach safety
    4. Communicate risk policies and processes for the Association and decides if and when it is safe to practice and play games. This includes but is not limited to weather conditions.
    5. Oversee/Communicate risk management issues to coaches and BOD
    6. Serves as Chair of the Risk Management Committee with the State if the need arises
    7. Work in collaboration with the Parks and Gardens of the City to make sure fields and fields equipment are safe for practices and games
    8. Responsible for ensuring fields are lined up correctly per the USSF or TSSA standards and safe for practices and games. This includes the goals, and goal nets are safe for use.



  1. The Associations Board of Directors shall annually confirm the appointment of chairpersons and members to serve on standing committees.
  2. Specific duties and responsibilities of each committee, procedures for selecting committee members, and job descriptions for committee members shall be established by the BOD detailed in these Bylaws and the Associations Rules.
  3. Committee members who fail to carry out their duties in a responsible manner or whose actions are detrimental to the Association and/or its programs may be removed from their position by the BOD


Standing Committees and their general areas of responsibility shall be as follows:

  1. Appeals and Discipline: The Executive Committee, with the President as Chairman, serves as the Association's Appeals and Disciplinary Committee to hear protests and appeals and make decisions on appropriate disciplinary action for incidents of misconduct.
  2. Awards: Handles the pricing, ordering, and distribution of trophies, patches, medals, or other awards to be given
  3. Budget and Finance: Chaired by the Treasurer; responsible for preparation of tile Association annual budget and presentation of the proposed budget to the Board of Directors
  4. Coaching: Chaired by the Director of Coaching; responsible for establishing and administering programs for coaches
  5. Concessions: Make decisions on what, when, and where to sell concession items. The Chairperson may organize the league's teams (through the team managers/ mothers) so that many parents take turns manning the concession stands.
  6. Special Events: Chaired by the President or their designee, arranges for all tournaments, skills contests, annual meetings other special events of the Association; responsible for submitting applications to the state soccer association for any tournaments.
  7. Team Organization: Each coach will be expected to organize their team and its parents to handle the various tasks related to the team itself. Positions to be filled include: Team Manager as right-hand to the coach and coordinator of all assignments not related to coaching; Assistant Coach to help the head coach in instructing the players; Club Linesmen to help officials (referees) at the games; Telephone Chairperson for contacting players; Refreshment Chairperson to arrange for water and other drinks for games and practices; Transportation Coordinator to arrange carpools; Uniform Chairperson to wash and distribute uniforms for each game; and any others that may be appropriate for the team's structure



  1. The voting membership of the Association shall include individuals currently active in the Association's programs.
  2. Non-voting membership may be granted to other organizations or individuals interested in the advancement of the sport of soccer and the Association,


  1. Players
    1. Shall include players currently registered with and participating in soccer programs under the jurisdiction of the Association.
    2. Shall be accorded one vote per player,


Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the parliamentary authority for all meetings of the Association unless otherwise agreed to by the participants by a two-thirds vote.


  1. The class of members determines voting eligibility at general meetings of the Association by affiliated voting members
  2. Only those voting members of record, duly affiliated, with all fees paid and in good standing, shall be entitled to vote.


  1. Each member of the BOD shall be entitled to one vote, except the President, who shall cast a vote only in the case of a tie.


  1. Regular voting members and directors may vote at general membership meetings by proxy.
  2. In writing, the proxy must designate the assistant's name to represent the member at the general meeting.
  3. The proxy for any member must bear the name of the member wishing to vote by proxy, the person designated to vote, and the member's signature.